About Us

At TLPCI, it is our vision to be a place where the hurting, the depressed, the frustrated and the confused can find peace, love, acceptance, help, hope, forgiveness and encouragement.

Our Structure

Church administration is the spiritual service to the body of Christ which involves the wise stewardship of God’s resources for the accomplishment of the work of ministry. This adds clarity, orderly functioning and control to the entire church organization so that people are better equipped to serve in a way that honours God. Furthermore, the church believes its affairs are to be guided by biblically sound and mature Christians who meet the laid down criteria of the church. TLPCI’s has an administrative extensive structure for doing the Lord’s work. The church’s Constitution outlines these structures and their duties in detail.

  1. General Conference: The General Conference is the governing body of the Church and is the supreme and final decision-making body both in spiritual and temporal matters.
  2. Apostolic Council: This comprises of all Apostles in active service. This Council is parallel to the National Executive Committee and majorly handles spiritual and doctrinal matters and other issues concerning the pastorate of the Church.
  3. The National Executive Committee: is the executive body of the Church. It is the body responsible for implementing General Conference decisions, carrying out functions assigned by General Conference, drawing up agenda and programmes for all General Conferences and other functions that may be found necessary.
  4. The General Overseer: is in charge of all spiritual and administrative matters. He works under the authority of the General Conference.
  5. The General Secretary: acts as the Secretary to the General Conference, the National Executive Committee, the Apostolic Council and the Board of Trustees. He is the head of administration under the supervision of the General Overseer and is generally responsible for the day-to-day administration of the International Headquarters of the Church.
  6. The Electoral College: is the electorate for the election of the General Overseer, the General Secretary and other offices of the church.
  7. Electoral Committee: there shall be an Electoral Committee is responsible for conducting elections to various posts under the Church’s Constitution.
  8. International Headquarters: It is the seat of the General Overseer of the Church in Ghana and other Nations.
  9. The Council of Elders: is made up of retired General Overseers, retired General Secretaries and three retired Pastors. The Council of Elders serve as advisors to the National Executive Committee and also serve as members of the Vetting Committee.
  10. The Church Council: is responsible for the general running of the branch and is present in each branch of the church.

All these structures of the Church work in consonance to ensure that the words of Paul the Apostle in Ephesians 2:22, ‘And in him you too are being built together to become a dwelling in which God lives by his Spirit.’ We all have roles to play in the Kingdom of God. Let’s all contribute our quota to build a great Church.