
At The Lord’s Pentecostal Church International, it is our vision to be a place where the hurting, the depressed, the frustrated and the confused can find peace, love, acceptance, help, hope, forgiveness and encouragement.

Christian Women and Ladies' Empowerement.

Bringing Christian Women and Ladies together to be inspired and motivated
The international Women’s Fellowship of TLPCI in collaboration with the ladies wing of the Youth Fellowship held a remarkable session of an empowerment summit for women and ladies under the theme “The Christian Woman or Lady” to address their emotional, financial, spiritual and moral wellbeing.
Mrs. Odelia Sowu, the International Coordinator of the Women’s fellowship, in launching the summit surmised that women have played profound but often understated roles in our midst. She cited the courage of Esther, the strength of Deborah, and the faith of Ruth and Mary as Bible testaments of the distinctive influence and power of women in God’s plan. 
She said the purpose of the summit was to bring Women and Ladies together to be inspired and motivated by the legacies of the aforementioned mighty women of faith.
Explaining further, she said empowerment as followers of Christ is about recognizing our inherent values that God has placed in each of us, and using these values to glorify the name of God.
Ministers in attendance were the General Overseer, Apostle Eric Anim Essandoh Otoo, Apostle Nathaniel Hagin, Rev. Samuel Kelly and Apostle Richard Buafor, the immediate past General Overseer.

Apostle Essandoh, in his word of greetings, was appreciative of the initiative by the executives of the Women and Youth fellowships for bringing all the women and ladies together to be empowered. He exhorted the gathering with the story of the Samaritan woman from John 4:1-43.
The woman met Jesus at the well. After that encounter, she went back to her village as a different person to influence her community. 
Hitherto, she was despised and disregarded. He prayed that by the end of the summit, all participants will have encounters to enable them go back and influence their families, communities and congregations.
The guest speaker of the summit, Dr. Cecilia Owusua Tutu-Danquah, Principal of TUCEE Institute of Counselling and Technology began her address by laying down the foundation scriptures for her lecture. They were Galatians 3:28, Luke 12:14, Proverbs 23:7, Proverbs 23:7, Hebrews 13:5 and Philipians 4:6 and 7.
She spoke on the financial and emotional wellbeing of a Christian woman or lady. She defined the Christian Woman or Lady as a female who values the role Jesus played in her life and has accepted Him and acts in a way that is pleasing to God the father through Christ.
Speaking about emotional wellbeing, she expounded on the concept of Emotion which she described as "conscious mental reactions impulsively shown as strong feelings which come with biological and behavioral changes in the body". 
She followed this up with definition of "Wellbeing" as a state of general contentment with life regarding a balance in your body, mind and spirit towards the feeling of being connected to God, your purpose, people and society. She said God has given us escape to every adverse condition in life. To identify these escapes calls for mastering our emotions. She listed some ways of ensuring emotional wellbeing. These were 1. Speak Out and Stop Talk 2. Positive Attitude and Prayer 3. Acceptance and Action 4. Resilience and Recreation, and 5. Education and Encouragement.
She concluded her presentation by expounding on six principles of financial wellbeing under the following captions: 1. Work, Manage and Invest 2. Live within your Means 3. Invest in People and Support the Needy 4. Do not Cheat or take undue advantage 5. Support Kingdom Business, and 6. Be Credit Worthy.

Apostle Richard Buafor, who was billed to speak last, led the gathering to pray for knowledge, understanding and wisdom. He affirmed the assertions made by the previous speakers. He emphasized the need to derive information from all the knowledge shared and be careful to apply them.
He said, by the tenets of the Bible, Woman is powerful. Without women, men are not complete. Through the woman, sin entered the world. But the good news is that through woman, salvation came.

Source: TLPCI - Hq