
At The Lord’s Pentecostal Church International, it is our vision to be a place where the hurting, the depressed, the frustrated and the confused can find peace, love, acceptance, help, hope, forgiveness and encouragement.

TLPCI in South Sudan

The Lord's Pentecostal Church International has a presence in South Sudan.
The Lord's Pentecostal Church International is delighted by the call of God to bring the saving knowledge of Jesus Christ to a people who have suffered the brunt of death mongers.

South Sudanese have been at the receiving end of acts of horror and atrocities formented by some individuals in their quest for political power from the later part of 2013 to early 2020. In the wake of this, about 4 million people have been displaced and plagued with famine and disease.

Despite this gloomie picture God directed the Lord's Pentecostal Church International to have a presence in this troubled country to bring hope to a people that have been starved physically and spiritually. For over seven years the Lord's Pentecostal Church International has been in South Sudan. By His grace,Gok-Marsher, Jabarona, Maluil, Mabior Rit, Ahuu Malual, Nyamlel and Malual Loch are branches that have been firmly established with many more that are being nurtured. 

The General Overseer, Apostle Eric Anim Essandoh and the Director of Missions, Apostle Paul Sowu paid working visits to this territory to carry out tasks that help to spread the word of God and other activities of evangelism in partnership with our country Representatives. 

The first visit was in June 2022 by Apostle Sowu and the second visit was in March 2023 by Apostle Essandoh and Apostle Sowu. A motor bike was presented to Pastor John Deng to help his supervisory work over the branches in South Sudan.

During the last international General Conference of the Church in October, 2023, the South Sudan Church was represented by Pastor Wol Kon Lual.